
November is the time of year that reminds us to be thankful.  However, this past year has shown our family to be thankful always.

We were all, and still are, devastated by our loss of Brian.  Yet, how could one know him, and not be grateful!  Much has been said about him and it is all amazingly true.

However, as I write this tearfully, through all our sorrow, when I look back over this past year, I am grateful.  first, for the time shared with Brian and second for you.  If you are reading this, you have given and shared generously with the Walsh Family.

Ed and I have seen so many kind and generous acts over this past year, it is overwhelming.  Trying to name them all, would be impossible; and I would not want to leave anyone or any kind act off the list.

So, for every act, thought or prayer; for those we know, and those we know and those we will never know, we give thanks to God for you and your caring for Amy, Mackenzie, Sean and Kelly.

Love, Nancy and Ed Hargest (Amy’s parents)

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