Ode to a Friend and Leader

Just a few short months ago Brian Walsh died of an embolism. His death, while rather quick and sudden, leaves a long and dramatic void in my world, but also in the world that we financial service providers live in. Who was Brian Walsh you may ask? Well first and foremost he was one of the finest, most decent people God ever put on this earth. All those that knew him would echo my sentiments. But for those of you who live in the financial services world, who derive a living and are building a career in it, you owe this man a huge debt of gratitude. I’m here to tell you why, and hope, I mean hope, those that knew him will remember his great deeds, and those that didn’t, understand and appreciate the legacy he blazed to make this industry a better place for you and future representatives.

Brian started in this business about 23 years ago, when I hired him to be a part of The Morgan Financial Group. Upon first meeting him, I knew he’d be successful. He was engaging, smart, witty, energized but most importantly the kind of guy you didn’t just like being around………………………you loved being around! Early on as I held leadership positions as well as chair positions in our local organization, I enlisted Brian to “step up” and get involved. In the ever changing world we were living in, volunteerism was so passé, it was hard to find good leaders. I needed to look no further. Besides stepping into all the committee work…….. program chair, membership chair, IFAPAC chair, Sales Congress et al, Brian soon followed the edict of our organization and became President of our local Life Association NAIFA. But he didn’t stop there. Upon completion of his term when it became evident because of some folks next in line moving in other directions, Brian didn’t bail and leave it to the board to figure out things. No……..he stepped up and accepted a second term. Unprecedented in his actions, motivated purely by doing the right thing and enabling the board to find a leader to follow him. And just when you thought his energy used up, nope………………..Chairman of the NAIFA Charitable Foundation. Unbelievable! Here’s his legacy, and where it will be cemented when you mention Brian Walsh. Because after 30+ years in the business I’d seen it all, and almost to a man or woman, after serving in those leadership chairs most of us “ride into the sunset”. Some stay active, some more so, some less. But no one, and I mean no one I’ve ever seen took it to an even higher level of playing field, until Brian Walsh came along. For instead of “riding into that well earned sunset”, Brian accepted the leadership of NAIFA MD and served as president of the state organization. For all those great accomplishments he joined the short list of George S. Robertson award winners just a few years ago. And until his death, was still being asked to head up the National PAC committee. I am breathless in my admiration for that commitment. There have been others who have done great things in this town, in this industry. But for those of you reading this pass this message on, “there has NEVER been anyone who has ever done as much”, and there may never be anyone again in our lifetime. That my fellow associates, is a legacy worth remembering, for now and for always!


I promised the Editor Tony I wouldn’t make this a eulogy to Brian, but I’d be remised if I didn’t mention that Brian was partnered in this world with his wife Amy and 3 beautiful children, along with loving and devoted parents, siblings and thousands of friends and admirers. Yes, I’ve lost a friend, and I weep for knowing I will never see him, shake his hand, give him a hug, and share with him our goodbye line,….” luv you man”!  But oh I am better for having known him, thankful for the same. And pray in my heart that you, all of you reading this will pass it on to your colleagues and to future generations of insurance and financial professionals. In this town, “we were all better and will always be better in the future, for having Brian Walsh walk in our path”

Words alone could never do Brian justice. Perhaps remembering him for generations to come could. There’s so much more I could say, so much more I could share with all of you. Suffice to say, there aren’t enough seconds in the day, minutes in the hour, nor days in the week. I leave you with the famous quote uttered at the death bed of Abraham Lincoln:

Now he belongs to the ages

Good bye dear friend, colleague and great leader to so many!

With warm respect and love,

Edel Blumberg

Edel Blumberg is Past President of NAIFA Baltimore, Past President of The General Agents & Managers Association, as well as 2003 recipient of The George S. Robertson Award

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