Entre’ into Hibernians

I first got to know Brian when he moved to Maryland to begin working for Lincoln Financial Advisors. Even though Brian was so young (early twenties), he immediately became one of my favorite people. He was so incredibly warm & caring……wise beyond his years.

And, Brian wanted to become involved in community & charitable activities, just because he loved people. So, I introduced him to my husband, Denny, and they became good friends. In addition, Denny, being a fellow Irishman, introduced Brian to an Irish fraternal group called the Ancient Order of Hibernians. Of course, Brian quickly became one of the most well-liked members. Within a few years, he was on track to become President of the local group. During this time, he frequently sought advice from Denny & the longer tenured members. In typical witty Brian fashion, he gave them a nickname. They became known as the “Mt. Rushmore Hibernians”. And, Denny was given the title of “Wise One”. Brian would write Denny notes….”Oh, Denny, Oh, Wise One, What do you recommend?”

There will never be another Brian Walsh…….no question about that. How could there be anyone like him again in this world?

Story submitted by Harriet Doherty

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