Not Intimidated

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These pictures were taken in 2011 at an event that the Cool Kids Campaign was the beneficiary of called Pink and Blue. The host was Olivia Newton John, and Brian was asked by a relative who went with us if he would ask Olivia to sign her grease records. That’s right I said records, not CD’s (they were the originals, too!).

Brian, as only Brian can, took the records, smiled, and said, “I will get these signed.” So there he goes, walking through the crowd, right up to Olivia Newton John, and says, “I am a huge fan of yours, do you mind signing these for me?” She said sure, but questioned if they were really for him. Brian smiled and said, “No they are for a relative over there who was too nervous to come over to you.”

That was Brian, never afraid to take on a challenge!

Story submitted by Chris Federico

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